Sunday, January 12, 2014


Aegean city of İzmir fails to preserve its historical houses Hurriyet Daily News
Many historic structures were abandoned to their fate. What we lost is not İzmir houses but humanity, says researcher and writer Orhan Beşikçi.
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Hebron dig: Annexation in the guise of archaeology Haaretz
On Sunday a major excavation began in the heart of the Palestinian city, the result of a combined Israeli effort: The staff officer for archaeology in the ...
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Aberdeen archaeologists rescue 700-year-old Yup'ik "melting ... Culture24
When the residents of Quinhagak, a city in Alaska with less than 700 people, called in archaeologists from the University of Aberdeen in 2009, they ...
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New Iron Age Sites Discovered in Finland Popular Archaeology
It was in the autumn of 2010 when local amateur archaeologists discovered evidence of harbor facilities thought to date from around 1000–1200 AD ...
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Lasers Unearth Lost 'Agropolis' of New England Science News
In a new study, which will be published in the March issue of the Journal of Archaeological Science, geographers Katharine Johnson and William ...
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King Tut's Mummified Penis Hints at Political Struggle? National Geographic
Howard Carter, the archaeologist who discovered Tut's tomb and catalogued its contents, described "linen wads and bandages" piled on his head.
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Souvlaki and Non-Stick Pans Invented by Ancient Greeks Greek Reporter
"It wasn't clear how these two types of pans were used," said Julie Hruby of Dartmouth College, presenting her research at the Archaeological Institute ...
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Historic finds in dig along the route of new Beverley bypass Hull Daily Mail
Two teams of archaeologists, from Oxford Archaeology North and AOC Archaeology, have been digging along the construction route of Beverley's ...
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Stormy weather has had an impact on the whole of the UK in recent months but Southampton-based charity, the Maritime Archaeology Trust, ...
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What peace talks? Bulldozers expand Hebron settlement Mondoweiss
The plundering of Palestine continues. Under the guise of archaeological digs, what the Defense Ministry's Civil Administration cynically calls "rescue ...
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